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The Well

Tools and Practices for Self-Remembering,

Breaking the Trance of Samsara,

Awakening and Enlightenment.

Please share what has worked for you.


Updated: Jan 28, 2024



You are at a retreat, or perhaps it was an extraordinary day, or an amazing experience. The effect of the day or days, the recent glow of events and experiences ever so slightly, begin to fade.


You notice the fading, and you, on some faint level, try to compress the lingering sensation and hold on to it.


As you clutch, it moves away, more distant than only a moment ago.


This is grasping.


Noticing this is perhaps the biggest lesson in a month of meditation retreat days.


Copyright David Doyle 1/2024

Why is Meditation taught in all traditions?


There are so many great reasons for meditation, for the purposes of this post, we are focused on why a student set upon the path of Self-Realization is instructed to meditate.


At the outset, it must be noted that Meditation and a Sitting Practice are two different things.

One is not better than the other and some will argue that the two are the same or may be the same. As an example, a Chakra Meditation is a sitting practice, it is not Meditation.


Traditionally, Meditation is not a Doing.


Meditation is Being with Self in Embodiment.


Why is this important for the student set upon the path of Self Realization?


It is important for many reasons, but primarily it has one tremendous benefit:


Upon Awakening, the experiencing of none-Doing in meditation vastly increases the chance of an Abiding Awakening vs An Awakening Experience.


Many who Awaken, lose their newly Awakened Presence to their old habituations because they are unable to resist Doing and Position. They have no practice in simply Being in Presence in their body, and residual personality / old inertias transport them back to waking trance.

The personality once again veils Presence and Samsara becomes the wandering trance.


Copyright David Doyle 1/2023

Traditional Fundamentals in Practice: Fasting

Many fundamental practices have diminished in the eyes of those in Eastern Traditions, and often they are considerably misunderstood.

This is a general review of Fasting from the standpoint of a Practice that is for those actively set upon Self-Realization.


Fasting is recommended in all traditions of Practice.

It might be the view that it is for cleansing the vessel, purification, and preparation for higher energies/angelic visitors.

At times, these may all be true, but they are not the reason Fasting is recommended in all traditions, particularly for those beginners truly set upon The Path.

Fasting is to find one’s base-note.

It is to move past the inertias of the foods one eats and to get in touch with your energetically calm natural physical presence.

It is also a way to show the student just how much one is preoccupied with planning, shopping and creating various breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

And Fasting also confronts the student with time, often an abundance of awkward alone time not taken up in shopping, prepping, eating and digesting. And the ups and downs of inner awareness that the various foods can cause.

And lastly, it shows many students that what seemed nearly an impossible discipline, was in fact not so difficult and a huge eye-opener.

Fasting in the traditional sense requires nothing but water. It saves money. And it is generally only difficult if one has food addictions. It is typically 5 days or longer. No food, just water.

One can also go on a Juice Fast and that is perfectly acceptable.

If food or drink addiction is something one must deal with, then a series of 3 day fasts to overcome things such as caffeine or sugar addictions will be needed. In the case of true Alcohol addiction, one needs to consult a doctor as it is one of those addictions that one cannot just quite cold turkey without very considerable risk (even death).

If you undertake fasting and hit brain fog or head pain the first day, you are undergoing addiction withdrawal symptoms. It is not the fasting that is creating the problem, Fasting is uncovering an addiction.

If you believe you must have your coffee or tea in the morning – you are addicted to the caffeine.

Take the time prior to a fast, to wean yourself off of known addictions.

This is not intended as a dissertation on how to Fast, or the various cautions regarding Fasting, such as the cessation of prescription drugs, where-in you must check with your doctor before beginning any Fast.

This is simply to bring to mind the true reason for Fasting and why it is recommended in all traditions.

Another benefit to the student is that as they are coming off of a fast, it is possible to see which foods affect them and how they affect them.

Some people are extremely resilient regarding food and drink of all sorts. They do not encounter radical swings from almost anything.

Some will begin to see that diet is for them, something of the utmost importance regarding their ability to be Present. And that large swings in mood and energy are brought on by certain foods or combinations thereof and one needs to pay attention to the intake of them.

It becomes clear that these food interactions distort us and muddy the waters of samsara even more.

Once you understand Fasting, you will use it as a tool for resetting your energy when it feels stagnant or “off,“ to re-vivify yourself.

Authors note:

Currently, I fast every 4th day for approximately 36 hours, starting in the evening of the 4th day and resuming eating on the morning of the 6th day.

My more typical long fasts are 18-23 days, and nearly always at least 5 days.

If you have questions regarding fasting, respond here – everyone is welcome to ask questions and give input.


Copyright David Doyle 1/2023

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