General notes on Practice - The Way

One’s 10,000 favorite radio stations/frequencies, thought forms, desires and fears, mesmerize one’s Presence.
Presence in the moment is held and obscured in a-tension.
Suspend 10,000 tensions and in a moment, you Awaken.
Meditation is the practice of Presence, for those as yet held in tension, it is Presence while practicing non-participation in the noise of one’s tensions. It is sitting with the gross physical, gross subtle and subtle bodies, with no requirement to be alert or in reactiveness to safeguard position. The bodies slowly become exercised in Stillness/Non-Inertia.
The entire summation of Practice in The Way can be said to be a practice in Non-Inertia.
Stillness is Non-Inertia. It has nothing to do with a cessation of energy or movement.
It is the spontaneous state of Presence in the Now. A state that is not perturbed by "in-motion-ness" nor "at-rest-ness".
It is a state not caught up in willfulness and the inertia of ones positions, and the momentums of ten thousand grasping.
Copyright David Doyle 1/2023