Try viewing karma in a different light:
It is not something that is accumulated - you are wearing it - living it - it is the light imbued in your gross physical, gross subtle, and subtle bodies - it is the horizon of your prison walls - unseen - the lens you see through in all things.
You are supplying it - it is what you consume and willfully hold.
What you consume is what you attract - it is the tuning fork sound you emit - the tempering of your bodies held in your attachments creates the resonance of you - the frequencies you hold yourself in - this is karma - the finger prison of your resistances and polarities:
When it is said that what you do in this life will result in what you get in the next is not the result of reward or punishment - but it seems that way and has been mis-interpreted that way for so long that it has become the dogma and superstition of the myth.
The frequencies you have held, grasped and are tempered too, will determine / attract all means to continue to work upon you the lessons of those frequencies.
In Practice, you take it upon yourself to endeavor into Intentional Suffering - vs the heated "random" and endless "suffering" of ignorant "bliss".
The ignorant life flip-flops from rich to poor or from jealousy to being full of oneself, from the elite to the deprived - but never from reward or punishment - all was from trance indulgence and resistance - a life and lives endlessly asleep baking in the light yet covered in illusion of consumed and grasped frequencies - your choice of a thousand radio stations blaring through you.
Intentional sufferinging is an attempt to change the channels and dial into something better - nearer the light that you know but cannot manage to be. But changing the channels is folly - one comes to see this after a time - the folly in the concept that the Buddha finally "finds THE answer" - the perfect channel or the perfect arrangement of channels.
Otherness, eventually goes out the window but the road to this can take some time.
"THE ANSWER" is immediately in past time - "it" does not exist - it is ever only an aha! Grasp.
The release from Karma is release from grasped frequency. One has previously been in Belief or Dis-Belief - but one can Be in Presence/Self, and neither Believe nor Dis-Believe and in this Be unencumbered in any frequency.
All Belief and Dis-Belief is held in the past and future - it is the cause of all suffering - the very fear of Karma is a belief - Karma is your illusion - Now. It is the multiple "I"s you believe yourself to be - the otherness you think you are.
Karma is the sum of "your common dialed-in "radio channels" that constitute your illusion - your Noise Body.
It is in each fixed (grasped) frequency that you deaden the light that abounds within and without.
These frequencies are habituated - some are ebbing and will fall away soon, some are only now gaining momentum - some are as stubborn stains - they permeate the subtle fabrics of our bodies. And yet - the Unborn is Spotless and Untainted, the Divine Essence, the Light which is All and Everything: The SELF is simply obscured in the trance of the habituations of Karma - Karma is the trance of our habituations.
If a critical mass is reached in which our grasping falls away - one Awakens - and Karma is no more.
Copyright David Doyle 4/2023